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BIM Support

What are BIM Objects?

BIM objects are used by architects who are designing buildings in 3D using AutoDesk Revit. Our BIM objects are developed by an AutoDesk trusted partner.

How to Download BIM Objects

To download a BIM object simply click on the link. Unzip the file to use it in your AutoDesk Revit program.

How to Use a BIM Object

To use a Draper BIM object, follow these steps:

  1. Download the file or files. Some BIMs have two files associated with them-a .txt and an .rfa. If there are two files for your BIM, Make sure that the .rfa file and the .txt file are in the same folder and that both have the exact same name.
  2. Open the host project.
  3. Load the component and select the desired configurations from the type catalog.

How to Get Help

For support you can email Support or Phone (224) 699-9545 (M-F, 8:30am – 5:00pm CENTRAL/CHICAGO TIME).

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