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Tailored Systems

Heat gain and glare protection tailor-made for your facility.

When shading requirements for a project can't be met with a standard system, we can develop a tailored system that meets the specific project requirements. Our Solar Controls Solutions team's engineers, designers, and draftsmen are able to take a concept, create a prototype, and turn it into a working solution.

Our team works closely with the customer to determine the specific project requirements. Concepts are then developed for discussion, and approved approaches are developed further. Often, specific components are 3D printed for testing and approval. Once a design is approved, manufacturing begins to bring your project to fruition.

Examples of previous projects:

How can we help?

Contact us to start discussing your unique solar control requirements.

Use the form below to send us a note.

Use the information below to contact us directly.

Clint Childress
Solar Control Solutions Product Manager
[email protected]
Jessi Wright
Solar Control Solutions Manager
[email protected]
Brian Ruegg
Solar Control Solutions Project Coordinator
[email protected]
765.987.7999 ext: 2657

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